

New in: M.A.C

I had finally decided it was time to add some more M.A.C to my stash. For the amount of money I spent I also could have bought a very nice pair of heels, but I am completely over the moon with these beautiful products. Also I will use them a lot more than I would a pair of heels...
Swatches and FOTD will follow after le clique!

The main reasons I went to visit the M.A.C counter were to get a paint pot, blush and a lipstick. I couldn't resist the eye shadows so I decided to get two in a palette so I could add two more later. Smart huh?
Let me show you the things I got.

I got a paint pot in Soft Ochre, which is fairly close to my own skin tone since it has a yellow undertone to it. I will use this mostly as a base for my eye shadows, but also to even out the color of my lids when I want to do a simple winged liner. €19,00

I got the Springsheen blush because I read that it would match with pretty much every skin tone and every make-up look. It 's a nice pink blush with a gorgeous golden sheen to it that adds a lot of warmth to your face. A perfect blush to give you an instant awake look after a short nights sleep. €20,00

Up The Amp is described as a lavender violet color and I guess that is quite a right description. Honestly I had no clue what color lipstick to pick because I had just bought a few new ones and I saw a lot of the same colors. This one caught my attention after a while and when I swatched it, I just knew it was meant to be mine. €18,00

The two eye shadows I went for are (left) Cranberry and (right) Brown Down. Cranberry is described as a red plum with pink shimmer and has a Frost finish. Once it was swatched I fell for it. Such a rich and beautiful color with amazing color pay off. Brown Down is described as a teddy bear brown and has a Veluxe finish. I've been dying to get a nice all matte brown shadow so this one was a right choice to make. A nice warm brown to darken up colours, add depth to my crease and to just swipe all over my lid for my favorite junkie look. Normally these shadows cost €16,00 but I decided to add the quatro palette so I could add more colors later. A palette costs €6,50 and refills cost €12,00

These are swatches I made without a base or anything and just one swipe. Left to right:
Up The Amp - Soft Ochre - Springsheen - Cranberry - Brown Down

My glamour shot I suppose... So I used all the products you saw above for this look. Personally I don't think the lipstick goes perfectly with the eye make-up since it's cool toned, but I wanted to show you guys all the products combined in one look. Guess I succeeded.  

Here's another full face photo, this time no flash or anything. Lol, now I look a lot less glam! Here you can see the shadows a bit better, as you can see I used Cranberry over the lid and Brown Down in the crease which I blended out. Yes I really am a sucker for browns, reds and pinks around the eyes (:

So while I am becoming more and more of a M.A.C enthusiast I am curious; do you shop at M.A.C? Are there any products I should check out next time I go? 
