

I'd like to introduce...

My Converse All Stars! (:

I might be completely wrong when I say this but almost everyone owns or has owned at least one pair of All Stars. Not everyone has the "original" Converse All Stars, but something similar will do as well.
I myself have two pairs of Converse All Stars and two pair of cheap ass knock offs. The only difference between the Converse and the fake ones is that my Converse have been with me through my teens and they have certainly seen me do some weird stuff. Also back then I had the weird habit of writing on my shoes, something I don't do anymore. (Too bad!)

Read on to see more pictures and to read the story behind my shoes.

I got these when I was about 13 years old. I wasn't really part of the "popular kids" and i barely had any friends in my class. Seriously, people just didn't like me 'cause i was different. Something I still don't get, why are people so afraid of things that are different from the regular?! But I digress. The first day I wore these to school was hell. The first comment I got was from a classmate when he saw me on my bike. He said: "Wow! You cycle so fast your shoes are on fire!" So I figured it wouldn't be too bad. I was wrong... First class I had that day was gym class and every girl had to make a comment about my shoes. My so called friends didn't say anything about them though, but the others couldn't be nice. Thank god we were playing hockey that day!

Of course the friends I had outside of school did like them. They were just as weird as I was. My friends were like me, goths and skaters. Of course they gotta love shoes with flames!

My right foot says Scary Anne. That was the nickname I gave myself back then, 'cause I was obsessed with the 13 dead kids made by Wednesday13 and his wife. Shit was cool!
"Thirteen dead kids, all in a row.
Pale white faces and tags on their toes"

My left foot said I want you dead! Why?! Well because I was also totally obsessed with Mr. Wednesday13 himself. Back then the guy had some bad ass lyrics. And yes, I still listen to his music because it's just super awesome.

More left foot! Slipknot - Murderdolls - FDQ - Wednesday13! (Those bands were my main music) What it says in the left bottom corner.. No clue! But I'm pretty sure it made sense to me back then. I <3 Joey Jordison! Uhhh.. yeah on this day I still don't get why. I mean seriously, check him out.

Back then I really did think he was hot... But back then I was also totally crazy about horror, blood and guts... Now I just appreciate it at times.

Right foot says: Joey! I <3 TWIGS (as in Twiggy Ramirez from Marilyn Manson), Wednesday13 and upside down Fuck it all! I really had big things to tell the world as you can see (:

Some asshole kid wrote this on my shoe! I don't remember who it was but I'm a 100% that ain't gonna happen. It says in Dutch "Wij gaan trouwen" which means "We are getting married" and I say: Hell No! I do think it was a girl though...

I accidentally ripped my shoe! Not only the outside but also the inside... Not that it matters much, they weren't very waterproof to begin with. Oh and Tasty Gum? Why did I even write that?

My other All Stars are almost completely black and lower then the others. When I saw these I fell in love.

Jackass! (: I think I wore these most of all the shoes I ever had, because they go very well with everything. Even skirt and dresses, dark or light clothes... They match.

"Hi there, what's your name?" No one has ever responded to my shoe ):

Inside left foot: I first wrote I ♥ You! And then my (now ex-)boyfriend replied with Love You 2!♥ xxx UR PRiNCe. Cute isn't it? My first love immortalized on my shoe. The big blue patch you see there is NAILPOLISH! I still have no clue why I smeared polish on my shoe, maybe to erase something? Anyways, it's Blue my Mind by H&M and I'm pretty sure I did this with carnaval in 2010. 

"I could offer you a warm embrace to make you feel my love ♥"
I guess i was just hopelessly in love?

These two pairs of shoes have been with me for ages and will most likely never ever leave me. I will keep them and wear them even when there's barely any shoe left. I seriously love my All Stars and they have a lot of memories. Ones that I cannot share with you because frankly, you should have been there. I collect memories so that is another reason I cannot ever part with these shoes. 

Do you own any All Stars? And if so do they hold any memories for you or are they just shoes? 

Love you!

