Why does everything seem to be a lot more fantastic when the sun is shining? Awesome!!
Anyways, today a quick FOTD and an OOTD... Well for as far I can take pictures of my own outfit :P
Just wanted to show off my awesome pink jeans and my almost matching lipstick.
Well I said the lipstick was ALMOST matching the jeans :P And that was pretty much the outfit. Top to bottomt: Cheap ass fake leopard print all stars, pink jeans from DIDI for like.. €9,- and also a cheap ass t-shirt that I never wear from C&A, also on sale. So a very cheap ass outfit... Which is rare, since I barely ever find something cute on sale.
The eye make-up is supah easy, just a brown eye shadow and black mascara
The eye make-up is supah easy, just a brown eye shadow and black mascara