

Budapest in print

Hi there!

After reading the comments by two lovely girls on my previous blogpost I felt a lot better.
They immediately made me want to post this so here we go!
I'll share some pictures and stories of my stay in Budapest, my new favorite city (:

First time flying. I think flying is overrated! Thought it'd be super awesome and what not, but once the backing up with the plane and the lift off was done it was just... peaceful yet bloody annoying. Oh yeah, annoying! I never expected I could get so bored within a couple of minutes :P Was trying to find something to do, went from book to mp3 player to NDS to book to trying to sleep to feeling locked up in a tiny room to reading to mp3 player.. Well something like it. But at least I arrived in 2 hours, so it was all worth it ^^ Imagine me on a bus.. For 17 hours or so.. NIGHTMARE!

My companions for the holiday

There was a mall close by our hotel, what more could I have wished for? It was huge, American like, and had tons of clothing and beauty stores. A lot of them very wel known (H&M, Zara, dm..) but also a few we don't have in Tilburg. Of course I did some serious shopping there! (:

Just chillin at the Duna/Danube/Donau.. Amazing weather!

Great restaurant in Buda: Il Treno
Amazingly delicious smoothies at Árkád Mall
NOM! Starbucks at the Mammut mall in Buda! Soooo good (:
They had a thing for lions there.. Lions were all over the city! This one was on the chain bridge across the Danube. Impressive!

Nana/Ren flower ^^ Waterlilies are pretty

The last four pictures were made on Margit-sziget (Margaret Island). A very beautiful island covered in nature. It's like a huuuge park! There were Japanese gardens, there was a zoo and even a big swimming pool. Pretty epic (: I didn't go swimming there, cause I didn't want to walk around in a bathing suit. Specially not with so many cute boys walking around, I'd scare them off even quicker :P If you ever plan a holiday to Budapest, make sure to visit this island! It's pretty.

And last but not least: The chain bridge at night. Seen from another bridge (the one that leads to Margit-sziget) and with so many lights it looked pretty impressive. Yes, this is the bridge with the lions on it. I'm sorry it's a little blurry but I haven't figured out how to take good pictures in the dark while zoomed in closely. Still I really love how this picture turned out (:

So far these were the pictures I thought were most interesting to share. I personally think Budapest is an impressive city with loads of opportunities. I've seen so much there, yet I feel like I haven't seen anything yet. It's big, it's old, it's beautiful and mostly very interesting. OH and public transport there.. AMAZING! Seriously! After experiencing that and being back in Holland, I hate our public transport even more.

So if you have no clue where to go on holiday next year, I definitely recommend Budapest! For sightseeing, for culture, for photography and for shopping.

Hope you enjoyed my pictures (they were edited, just so you know) and that you will be back to check out my Sziget pictures (:

How was your holiday?

Love and xoxo