

A big announcement!!!

I have to be honest with you all.
Lately I don't feel very passionate about this blog any more. I do still have a big love and passion for make-up and nail polish, but blogging about it feels like something I HAVE to do instead of something I like to do.
So that is why my posts have been short and a little boring.
Having a beautyblog is pretty difficult because there are sooo many out there already and a lot of them are a lot better than mine.
This does NOT mean that I'm permanently quitting this blog, it just means that I am putting it on hold.
I will post here if I have something good to share and something interesting to tell you.

On the positive side: I started a new blog! One that is more personal and versatile. I didn't want to be restricted by just Make-up and I wanted to see if I can improve my writing. Just one downside for my abroad readers: it will be in Dutch. Because I still feel that I can't always completely explain myself in English. And my Dutch needs a lot of improvement (A)

So to all the Dutchies and the people that don't mind using a translater, go follow me here!
You know you want to! ^^

Also I still have stuff laying around for a give away, but I keep forgetting this!
In the beginning I didn't do it because I barely got comments to I figured everyone was still on holiday. After that I just forgot.. Yes, I suck!
I'm not making any promises, but I will be doing this one soon so do stay tuned (: